It only takes New Year’s Eve and a winter storm for Truth to remind me of some valuable lessons. Unfortunately, Truth has recently become afraid of loud noises and thunder. Now on the outside you might never notice it but I do. I’m her master. She is not one to bark or pace, but she pants and stays VERY close to me. It is very obvious if these moments occur when it is bedtime. Yes, Truth sleeps with me but she for the most part is not a “cuddler”. She sleeps at the foot of the bed…unless there’s fireworks or thunder. During these times Truth is almost on top of me. She gets so close to me but the odd thing is how she has to have her face in mine! She wants to rub her face in mine or lay across mine. Difficult position with a 70 pound golden! She presses and pushes and eventually will lay her head across my neck. This drives me nuts, because even though I love my dogs, I’m not big on them being in my face. But she’s so afraid. On the outside she is still flashing that golden smile, but I can feel her heart racing. So, I let her cuddle and I hold her tight; reassuring her it’s going to be alright.
Great picture right? So many times we look so good on the outside but inside…there’s fireworks and thunderstorms. What do we do? Go it alone or press into our Master. While I may not enjoy Truth literally “being in my face”, I’m sure my Master delights when I press close to HIM.
In the study of James, we are reminded to “consider it pure joy” when we face trials because ultimately it is making us complete, lacking nothing. I have a hard time with that. Just as Truth would rather not have these thunderstorms (and I hate seeing her troubled), I hate the storms in my life also. But I know there are lessons to be learned and the good thing…I get to see my Master work! So, I pray Truth and I will keep seeking our Master’s face and pressing in… until the storm passes…and beyond!
Hear my voice when I call, O LORD; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, LORD, I will seek. Psalm 27:7-8