Lessons from Truth

Yes, that is a basket of apples and sweet potatoes! I recently experienced a "fast" of sorts based on the book "7" by Jen Hatmaker. This book will challenge you to recognize the excess most of us live with in several areas of our lives... food being one of them. So...
Where I am..
I've recently read the book Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker and I'm now reading her follow up book, 7. I highly recommend them both but not if you want to keep everything status-quo. On top of these books "rocking my world" I'm also reading the ministry of Jesus through...
No Room
I never get tired or reading Luke's account of Jesus' birth. I always stop at the words, "no room for them in the inn". Now I don't know if there was a convention for shepherds taking place that booked all the rooms or maybe the innkeeper didn't want "those people"...
God Is…Comfort
Have you seen the picture on Facebook of the homeless man that is sitting on the sidewalk holding his dog. What a picture of love and comfort. (for the man and the dog) Beauty in ashes! One of my favorite pictures of Truth is the one with her asleep in my arms. We...
Life in Truth
In studying Believing God by Beth Moore, I came to the chapter that as she says, "none present me the unrelenting challenge" than the one, Believing You Are Who God Says You Are. I wholeheartedly agree! She bases much of this chapter on Ephesians 1:3-8 (HCSB). I...
When looking for a name for this beautiful golden pup, I asked the Lord to give us a name that would show others the character of Jesus. Since we know that Jesus is the “image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15), this name would also tell others who God is. There were...
God Is…
God is who He says He is. Recently we began studying Beth Moore’s book Believing God at our extended stay hotel ministry. This is the first point and the building block for all others to follow. It truly is fundamental to our belief system. Can you imagine being in a...
Life with Sam
Oh, those pets we love. They teach us so much about life don't they? How to love, how to live and sometimes how to grieve. They steal our hearts with those looks, those touches, those examples of unconditional love. Once they have our hearts they teach us we are...
Center Line
Well, I'm again attempting to get back in shape, so I'm trying to spend some time on the trails at the park. Now the paved trails have a center line to give runners and bikers lanes to stay in to keep everyone safe. As I was running today (not sure I would call it...
At the Fire: Peter Forgiveness
A little history about Peter’s relationship with Jesus: One of the first 2 disciples called by Jesus He was a fisherman (Jesus asked him to leave everything and “Follow Me”) He did Walked on the water to Jesus (yes he sank but he was the only one to get out of the...