God is who He says He is. Recently we began studying Beth Moore’s book Believing God at our extended stay hotel ministry. This is the first point and the building block for all others to follow. It truly is fundamental to our belief system. Can you imagine being in a relationship with someone who is not who they claim to be? It certainly wouldn’t be a healthy, growing relationship. God is who He says He is regardless of what we think or believe, however, He invites us to get to know Him in a way that removes any and all doubts of who He is.
Over the last couple of years since starting Nothing but the Truth Ministry, the Lord has revealed Himself to me in so many ways. He has reminded me of Scriptures and names that not only reassure me, but it tells me of His character. He has made it very personal.
I look forward to sharing some of this with you and I hope it causes us all to reflect on how BIG and TRUSTWORTHY our God I is.
My next blog will be on a name that is very personal to me. I’ll give you a hint… He used it to name the ministry! J